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How to post a project

The more details, the more precise your quote from the solution providers will be … its as simple as that! We charge a very small fee for each bid to help eliminate the timewasters and help run this site. So if you want to attract the best solution providers out there, give us as much information about your project as you can.

1. Register

First (if you haven’t already done so) you need to register on the site. All you need to do is choose a username and provide an email address. A unique password will then be emailed to you (you can change this later if you like).

2. Log in

Use your username and the password that was emailed to you to log in, you can do this by clicking on the “log in” button on the top menu.

3. Create a project

Click on “post new” on the top navigator to get a project started. You’ll then need to answer a few questions to help communicate your requirements to the solution provider.
All projects will require the following details:
– A project title
– A category
If you’re not sure which one, pick the parent that is closest to it (eg if you know you need a marking system, but are not sure which type, just pick the coding, marking and labelling category (instead of one of its child categories)
– A price range
– An end date
– A location
– A brief description (don’t worry about putting in too many details here, we’ve tailored questions to each category to help you provide solution providers with the information they need to know. If you feel we’ve missed something out, there’s a section at the end you can complete).
– Tags

4. Get quotes and evaluate offerings

We then send your project all the relevant solution providers in your area, and any providers interested in quoting on your job pay for a bidding opportunity. You can then have a look at all the proposals, their profiles, websites and any feedback they have and decide on which ones you’d like to discuss your requirements with. You can then arrange a time for them to visit, and where applicable, arrange trials for the project.

5. Feedback

When the work is complete, rate your solution provider on their quality of work, reliability and value so that others know how good they are. You don’t have to share any details of the project, just the quality of the solution provider.